Block quotations are used when the direct quote you are using exceeds a certain length (see below). When quotes extend this long, you must format them differently from other quotes.

In APA style: 40+ words in the quote
In MLA style: More than 4 lines
In Chicago Manual style: More than 5 lines

How do I format a Block Quote in APA or MLA?

To properly format a block quote, follow these guidelines:

  • Provide an introduction to the quote.
  • Begin the block quote on a new line.
  • Do not enclose the direct quote in quotation marks.
  • Double-space the block quote.
  • Indent each line of the block quote by ½ inch.
  • Punctuate the quoted material with a period before the parenthetical citation – with no ending punctuation after the parentheses.
  • NOTE: Block quotes are identical in APA and MLA other than the parenthetical citation (see below).

Example Block Quote in APA

Provide an introduction for the quotation. Begin the quotation on a new line. Indent each line by 1/2 inch. Quotation marks are not used. Place the period after the quote and before the citation; do not use a period after the citation.

Example Block Quote in MLA

Provide an introduction for the quotation. Begin the quotation on a new line. Indent each line by 1/2 inch. Quotation marks are not used. Place the period after the quote and before the citation; do not use a period after the citation.

How do I format a Block Quote in Chicago Style(CMS)?

  • Provide an introduction to the quote.
  • Begin the block quote on a new line.
  • Do not enclose the direct quote in quotation marks.
  • Single-space the block quote.
  • Indent each line of the block quote by ½ inch.
  • Punctuate the quoted material with a period before the parenthetical citation – with no ending punctuation after the parentheses.
  • Use standard Chicago Manual Style citation guidelines.

Example Block Quote in Chicago

Provide an introduction for the quotation. Begin the quotation on a new line and use single spacing for the quote. Indent each line by 1/2 inch. Quotation marks are not used. Place the period after the quote and before the footnote/endnote; do not use a period after the footnote/endnote



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