The Academic Writing Refresher is a great refresher if you are new to academic writing, or if you have been out of school for a while. Go through each step below to improve your academic writing skills.


*See our full list of Writing Refreshers for others!

Step 1: Essay/Paper Structure Overview

These resources prepare you for organizing and writing an academic essay:

Step 2: Academic Voice

Review the following resource to understand how to write using an academic tone, voice, & style:

Step 3: Writing Thesis Statements

These resources include what a thesis statement is and how to write a great one:

Step 4: Selecting Evidence from Sources

Get help with the research process and selecting the best evidence from sources in these guides:

Step 5: Paraphrasing and Quoting Sources

Use this resource to help you correctly quote or paraphrase information from a source:

Step 6: Steps to Academic Integrity

Reach academic integrity(and avoid plagiarism) in all your work by following the steps provided: